Jesus taught some of His greatest lessons in the Beatitudes, in which he described the characteristics of the ideal follower of Christ and the future reward he or she will receive, both on Earth and in Heaven. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you”. Do these words of Jesus in Matthew 5:10-12 strike you? Maybe you have felt ashamed because you were persecuted for your Christian beliefs in a way.
When Christians spend few hours in Church, fingers are pointed at them for exhibiting laziness, or they are seen as jobless and stupid. However, when unbelievers spend hours at the stadium watching games or attend nightclubs where they party all night, it is okay.
When a Christian gives monies in church, the world ridicules them yet will never complain of buying a ticket to attend the concert of a secular artist or comedian. The world will be quick to point accusing fingers at the child of God, who willingly and wholeheartedly supports a Christian ministry saying they are enriching their pastor’s pocket yet, they will blindly support their favorite artiste.
Whenever a Christian donates a huge sum of money to sponsor his or her churches’ crusade, his unbelieving neighbors, colleagues, and even family will be quick to insult them, call them fools and pawns for giving to make Pastors rich and become popular. But let the Christian sinfully spend the same amount to buy a house for an intimate sex partner or even spend on sophisticated things, he/she will be seen as a very generous person.
The Christians, ransomed by the Blood of Jesus Christ love God and as a member of a body of believers (church) have also come to love some men of God. Why does the world call Christian fanatics? But lovers of music stars or celebrities such as Jay Z, Lionel Messi, Elton John, Opera Winfrey, and the likes are called fans?
Unbelievers are quick to label followers of Christ as ‘bigots’, haters, and ‘Religious Nuts’ because we don’t identify with their worldly acts. They unquestionably spend their hard-earned monies on beer, gin, whisky, vodka, and more alcoholic beverages because it makes them happy. They sacrifice to their deities because they believe it gives them power and good fortunes. But when we pay tithe, give offerings, pray often, or sow seeds in church, they belittle it; thinking we are not normal.
Many Christ-haters travel across continents for vacation and entertainment but when I go to visit places in the middle east to learn and understand biblical history or even travel to attend an international fellowship of believers they think we are wasting time and resources.
Many in the world will wear the T-shirts and jerseys of their favorite music and sports stars, keep their pictures and other materials in their cars, house and so on but let the Christian put on a T-shirt with his or her Church’s name and photo on it, and the world sees them weird and brainwashed.
Nonetheless, my fellow Christians, do not let any of these kill your passion for Christ and the desire to do his work. Keep being that fool for Christ even if you will be laughed at, mocked, called names, or even be shunned as the bible puts it in 2Timothy 3:12:Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.