Revelations 4: 7-9
Just as the fourth Heavenly Creature in Revelation 4:7 was an eagle having many eyes so our blue eagle logo, designed by Michael Adzato, represents an eagle with a camera lens seeing many close up views of Christendom. For a more detailed explanation read our statement of faith!
ChristianLens Online News Incorporated as ChristianLens Media Inc is a nondenominational, Christian online publication working as an impartial entity.
ChristianLens Online News is brought to you by a group of Christian writers and editors who’re devoted to making a well-rounded look at what’s occurring across the globe from a Christian worldview.
By means of the website, ChristianLens Online News presents worldwide coverage of present events affecting and involving Christian leaders, church bodies, ministries, missionary agencies, faculties, companies, and the general Christian public
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Winning Souls Online is an end-time strategy to use the technology of the internet to get the Gospel of the Kingdom to a lost and dying world. Utilizing the websites, believers all over the world will be revived.
There are thousands of more examples of people from all over the world who have come to know Christ because the Gospel was presented to them in some kind of digital form.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon and the online community serves as a wonderful platform to reach out to souls. The world needs revival and ChristianLens Media Inc is here to make sure the great commission continues online.