There is no other time in history, declares the Lord, and even during the foundations of the earth and the creation of mankind, there is no other time in history where it is imperative that you seek My face, it is imperative that you set aside time for your God, it is imperative that you spend time in My Word, it is imperative that you set aside temporal things to serve the Living God, to seek His face, to hear His heartbeat, to know what He is saying, to do what He has called you to do. There is no other time in history from even before the foundations of the world, that has such importance as now.
The Lord says, My Son is about to return for His bride, My Son is about to return for His bride, says God. The bride is being prepared, says God, the bride is being prepared, I AM doing great work in this hour, you will either be for it or you will be against it, you will either seek My face and know what I AM saying and will participate or you will be an enemy of the Cross.
You will either be one who desires My will or one who fights against My will. You will be one who is truly My disciple or you will be a religious person that exists in this church. You will either be one who knows My heart and desires My heart and My will to be done or you will be one who fights those who do. The Lord says it’s very important, its most important, its of the greatest importance that in this hour in the history of the world that you seek My face with all of your heart, it is no longer an option it’s a time for decision for you.
It’s a time for you to set aside all those things that you have raised above Me, says God, and begin to grab a hold of Me with your whole heart. Begin to embrace the Cross, begin to embrace the forgiveness that I have given you, begin to be born again, begin to be a living creature in Christ, begin to be somebody who is alive and well in Me. Do not fight anymore the kingdom of God, do not resist anymore the move of the Spirit, do not resist those promptings that are on your heart.
Have jealousy for no man, have jealousy for no woman, do not put another ahead of Me, do not allow negative things to pollute your emotions, says God. But rather embrace My love, embrace the gift of salvation, embrace the power of the Holy Spirit, seek My face, hear My voice, and do those things I have called you to do.