The Lord would say Today, I am looking for a people that will weep over Jerusalem. Not Jerusalem one place on the planet, but My Jerusalem, My children, My church, My people the children that even I have created who do not know Me yet. I am looking for a people that do not recognize the day of their visitation. I am looking for people who would cry great drops of tears, says God. I am looking for a people that would follow My example says the Lord, and hear My voice, and follow My calling, and do the things which I have asked you to do. I am looking for people who will give sacrificially and give places that I am calling you to give. I am looking for people that will carry My Word to a hurting and a dying world that does not know Me.
For I wept over Jerusalem, not once but many times, says God. I wept over a people that did not recognize Me, that did not know Me when I came, that did not know My Father. They criticized Me because they did not know Me. They were jealous of Me. They did not know Me. They were angry with Me. They did not know Me. They were prideful. They did not know Me. They rejected Me. They did not know Me. And this broke My heart because of My love for My people, My love for My Jerusalem, My love for people to come into My Kingdom.
I not only cried tears over Jerusalem, but I sweat great drops of blood in the garden, agonizing, being willing to do the will of My Father and yet knowing the cost. So many people know the cost today. They know the cost, and rather than sweating drops of blood or anything close to that, rather than saying yes Father not my will but your will be done they choose the ways of the world. They choose the will of the world. They choose the things of the world. Oh, My heart breaks, says the Lord. Oh, I cry tears over Jerusalem, says God. I weep in My heart over the things of this world that have so clouded the minds of My children that they cannot any longer hear My voice or know My way, says the Lord.
I not only cried tears from My heart, I not only sweat great drops of blood, but I shed My blood on the cross at Calvary, says God. I allowed every part of My being, every part of My being, to be poured out into this world that the world may come to know Me. I worked great signs and miracles among them. I walked among them and taught them the ways of the Kingdom. I showed them so many ways by many infallible proofs that I am the Son of God, declares the Lord. And I showed them My love. And I showed them My kindness and I showed them My goodness. And all that I am asking My church to do, My Jerusalem to do, My children to do, is to carry that message to a world that does not know Me and tell them, says God. Tell them, says the Lord. Tell them of My tears. Tell them of My great drops of blood that I sweat. Tell them of the blood that I shed on the cross at Calvary. Tell them says the Lord. Tell them says the Lord Tell them says the Lord. But I am looking this day for people whose hearts are so stretched towards Heaven, so stretched towards the love of God, that they too are weeping over Jerusalem in this hour. Declares he Lord.