Everything is for a season, seasons come and seasons go, doors open and doors close, I do My greatest work in My perfect timing, says God. And many times there is a waiting for a season, many times those waiting times are extremely difficult, many times you must trust in Me and many times you must learn to depend only on Me. Because in desert places I AM the only thing beautiful in the desert, by My design so that your eyes may be fixed on Me, so you might draw close to Me once again, so that you might hear My voice clearly, so you are not being cumbered by the ways or the thinking or the plans of man, says God. But rather you will hear the plan as a sign, as a direction of Almighty God.
Do not be afraid, says God, and remember in everything, everything that you ever go through its for a season, and as one season comes another season goes and another season will come again. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, in this season, says God, trust in Me for the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but it’s not the end of the story, says God, because the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away but then the Lord giveth again, says the Lord. The Lord giveth again that the Lord giveth twice what you had before that the Lord openeth doors that you never dreamed you could open, that the Lord does things that you could never dream that He could do.
The Lord is able to restore hearts back to Him, the Lord is able to open new doors and you should do new things that you’ve never done before and in that He receives the glory in that you know that He is a living God in that you know that it is He that dwells in you to work a good work that brings Him glory and that many may be won to the kingdom.
Do not trust in your own flesh, says God do not trust in what you can see, or hear, or think, or plan. But rather trust that in every season there is a season for planting, there is a season of sowing, there is a season for reaping. But understand that everything you go through is only temporary, its only for a season and if I take something away I’m going to give something back eventually better in return, says the Lord.