Give not as the world gives, says God, anyone can give kindness even someone that’s of the world, anyone can give gladness and a smile, even those that are of the world, But anyone can give a gift, even those that are of the world. what about heavenly gifts? For if you sow heavenly things you shall reap heavenly things and you will have heavenly things to give to those who are around you.
Today’s world is looking for heaven, today’s world is looking for me? Today’s world is wanting to experience Me, and yet My children hold back in seeking My face, My children hold back on paying a price, My children hold back on earnestly desiring the heavenly gifts, My children hold back on seeking Me with all of their heart and receiving of the Kingdom of heaven, that they may have heavenly gifts to give to people that are around them, that they may win others to Me, says God.
That they may give of My Love which far outweighs any love that anyone in this world could ever give. The apostle Paul says the love that goes beyond all other loves. It is a supernatural love, it is a heavenly love, it is a powerful love, it is a love without fear, without favor, it is a love that goes beyond anything that any man could ever do or say in this world. No earthly thing could ever compare with the things of heaven.
Have you sown seeds into the Kingdom, have you sown seeds of prayer, have you paid a price, are you willing to seek My heart and My will and My ways, are you full of My Word, says God. Do you have heavenly things to give to those around you? For I guarantee, I say unto you, emphasize to you that in this hour people, Though the may not seem to be, are earnestly seeking for a living God and a true heaven.
Give them, says God, what I give to you, freely as you have received, freely give and many will come into My Kingdom.