For where your treasure is there will your heart be also, do you long for My Kingdom, do you long for My return, do you long for Me? Do you hunger and thirst after the things that will never fade away, that will never pass away? Do you lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, or here on earth? Do you focus on the things that are around you or the things that are above you? Do you focus on the things that are eternal or things that are temporal?
Are your worries focused on things that are here in this world or are they trusting in Me, says God. Are you trusting in Me with all of your heart are you seeking after Me with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength?
For in this hour that is what it’s going to take to stay victorious in Me, that’s what it’s going to take to live a pure life, that’s what it’s going to take to live a life totally separate unto Me and separated from the things of this world. For the world grows more powerful as each day passes, with all of its distractions, with all of its temptations, with all of its fleshly desires, the world grows more stronger every day.
But I say unto you that if you seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness then all the things you have need of for eternal life will be added unto you, says God. I come to bring you life and life more abundantly, free from the things that be of this world, free from the burdens, and treasures, the oppressions, the fears, the worries, the doubts, the unbeliefs of this world, says God.
And I come to bring you unto Myself, declares the Lord. Do not allow yourself in this hour to be strangled, allow your faith to be strangled by the things of this world because the world is growing in power, as people turn more towards the flesh and more towards the demonic.
The world is growing stronger, but I AM stronger still, says God and My Kingdom will last forever and ever and ever and ever. Focus this day where you will spend millions of years, focus this day on the Kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all the things you have need of will be added unto you, declares the Lord.