The secret of the Lord is with them that hear Him. Seek Me early says God and you will find Me, set aside all the things that distract you, make Me the #1 priority in your life. Seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven and all the things you have need of will be added unto you. Martha, Martha you are mindful of many things but Mary has chosen the better part. Do not make fun of those who seek Me diligently, do not mock those who press into Me with their whole heart, do not consider them foreign or insane that decide to surrender their lives to Me completely.
For I call all of you, I call all of My children to seek Me earnestly. To seek Me diligently. He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. Come into My reward, says God, come into knowing Me like you’ve never known Me, come into finding out what you have no way of finding out for I know the beginning from the end. I know your future, I know the future of this planet, I know everything that’s ever happened from beginning to end, says God.
And I AM the source of all true knowledge. Spend time with Me, spend time in My word, seek Me with your whole heart, says God, and I will not disappoint you. You shall be a flourished garden, a garden that flourishes with wonderful flowers, with wonderful fruit, with great joy and great peace. You will walk in ways you never dreamed you could walk in, but you must seek me with all of your heart and set aside those things that so easily distract you.