I say unto you, says the Lord, in the Kingdom of God there is no darkness at all, there is a perfect light, there is My light and I say unto you that during these dark times study history, spend time studying history. Throughout the dark times evolved into times of great revival, through dark times is the time when people seek me with all their heart. During dark times is when people are hungry to find out more about God. During dark times, during times of suffering, during times of war, during times of pain, during times of disease, during times of famine, during times of inclement weather. The Lord says sometimes it is the only thing that will cause some people to seek Me, that’s going through hard places.
I say unto you keep your focus on Me, says God, focus on the Kingdom of God, seek first the Kingdom and its righteousness and all the things that you have need of will be added unto you. Do not fear any of the things that shall come upon you, says the Lord, do not fear any plague, do not fear any disease, do not fear any law, do not fear any lack, do not fear anything, For I AM your God, and I AM in control of this entire universe declares the Lord, do not be afraid but rather rejoice.
Now says God I have called you to take My Word, to take My Gospel, to take it to people that you know, take it to people who would never hear, take your testimony to people you think would never hear you, take My Word, take My Love, take My Goodness, take My Truth, take it to them now says God, for the time is short, the time is short, says God. The time is shorter than has ever been, until I will return for My Bride. Do not be discouraged, do not be weary, do not agree with people that this is the time of darkness, but rather focus on the Light, and be a light to the world in this time of darkness around you, says God.
Working, working all these hours, working all this time, spending all this money, making beautiful the outside of the cup, but rather spend that time in this day, in this hour, spend that money, spend that investment, spend that unction, says God, make that focus on the inside of the cup and allow Me to make you holy in My eyes with My power and My anointing for My glory.