Make ready, says the Lord, make ready. The way you make ready for any holiday, the way you make yourself ready for any job, the way you make yourself ready for any employment, the way you make yourself ready for any choices in your life that’s a major change. The Lord wants you to know there will be a major change in your life. The Lord wants you to know that heaven will be a major change for you. The Lord wants you to know that you are too easily distracted by the things and affairs of this life, says God.
You do not have time for Me, says God, but I say make time for Me, this is not an hour when you can play around with your Christianity, this is not an hour when you can put Me on hold with the push of a button and say wait a minute, Lord. This is not an hour when you can say when the trumpet sounds then I’ll get ready, when the trump sounds it will be too late, when the trumpet sounds it will be too late for you, says God, if you are not ready. They which are alive and remain will be caught up together with Me in the air, says God. Are you alive? Says God, are you alive in Me? Have you allowed yourself to seek Me with all of your heart, have you set aside time for Me, says God. Have you prepared for Me, says God, have you prepared the way, you prepare for other things, says God.
For I AM a jealous God, I AM a jealous God, for the things you put ahead of Me, I AM a jealous God, for My jealousy is righteous jealousy, I know what’s best for you, says God, I know what must be in order when I come, says God, I know what must be in order when I call your name says God, I know those things which are eternally important, says God. You are allowing yourself to be so encumbered by the things of this life that you do not have time for Me, says God.
I say make time for Me, says God, make ready for Me, says God, do not allow the things of this world, for there are many, you are living in an hour, says God, when the enemy has thrown so many things into this world and into the mix and into your lives and you are so busy with those things, many of those things are very pleasurable things, many of those things are entertaining, says God, but you have allowed them to come before Me, says God.
I say unto you trust not in your emotions, trust not in your instincts, trust not in anything but the Spirit of the Living God, draw nigh unto Him and He will draw nigh unto you. Seek Him with all of your heart and you will find Him, for the day is coming when you will have no more time.