The Lord asks this day who will build my house for me? Who will build MY house? Not a house of brick and mortar or of stone says God and not a house of towering high steel. David sought to build my house but the house that I am referring to today is not referring to any earthly structure but a house where my Holy Spirit is welcome to dwell and welcomed to stay says God once He has arrived!
Where I can come with my presence and people allow me to speak into their hearts. So, people who hear my word will be healed of their infirmities or people will go be healed of their hurts and their wounds where people can find the true and living Christ or a place where I can trust you to allow me to begin to shape your life and allow me to change you and heal you as individuals from the inside out to make you more loving, more patient people, a people who will be patient with the cares of this world’s care.
Who will build such a house for me? Who will be patient? Who will attend extra services? Who will attend extra times in my house? Who will be here to clean my house? Who will be here to shake the hands of incoming guests and make them feel welcome and make them feel loved when they leave? Who will be here, says God? A house of prayer, a house where my spirit is guiding your steps, the house where you can hear my voice, a house that is filled with my everlasting love, a house that is filled with my goodness, a house that is filled with generosity, a house that is like a bright light shining on a hill, it draws people from the four corners of this region because they know they can come here and receive of my love and receive my very own touch and spoken by very good presence. Who will allow me to change them so they’re not a stumbling block unto these unbelievers?
Who will allow me to do a work in their life to change them and to heal them and to pour my love into them? So that they are more Christ-like. They are more loving. They are more kind. This is the house that I need built. This is the place I need prepared. So that when my spirit is poured out, and people come into my presence, they’re not turned away by religious practice or things of the flesh or anger issues or impatience or judgments that have to do nothing with me, says God. But my love and my goodness and my understanding and my patience, and my kindness, they will feel declares of the Lord. Who will build for me this kind of house, and will allow me to build my house within them, that they may be a better testimony and a witness unto these?