There is more of me than you have ever known. You must come to me with all of your heart and seek with all of your mind, all of your strength and you will find me in my name, says God. You will find me There is more of me, says God. If you are troubled by the troubles of the world, there is more of me, says God. And there are many problems in the world. There is more of my power than there is of evil.
There is more of my goodness than anything you face every day says God. But you must come after me. You must seek me with your whole heart. You must find me even more than your ancestors found me. Find me more than those around you in the church found me. Find me more in a way that you have never dreamed possible because I am the Lord God, I am the creator of the universe.
I am the one, declares the Lord, that there is more if you will just seek after that more, you will find it says God, seeking with all of your heart. Do not let your heart be troubled in this hour for I am the Lord your God and I am great and I am more than anything you think