This is what I believe the Lord says on this day:
If you came to me as a very sinful person, if you were saved as a drug addict or an alcoholic then you knew that you had already destroyed part of your life. Then you know in your heart you ran to me. Then you know in your heart you said yes to those things I called you to do. You know in your heart you began to devour my word and spend time with me in prayer. You began to seek My face. You know in your heart You delighted in your salvation and you rejoiced in the goodness of your God.
But if you are here this morning and you were saved out of the house of faith, a house where I protected you from a child, a house where I raised you up in a Godly home, a house that I raised you up in the church of God. A house where you heard the word of God taught from the time you were a child and I protected you in those places, when with those people, if you hear my voice this morning, you admit many times that you are slow to respond to My calling. You are slow to respond to My heart. You think of yourself as a good person. You think of yourself as somebody who never really had to be saved out of that much, of someone who has never really been evil.
Yet I say unto you this day that My cry and My call and the things that I call important. The things that I deem eternal. The things that have to do with the salvation of souls. The salvation of the lost. The putting time and money and effort into reaching into the lives of those that need me most, if you reject those callings, God says you are just as evil as the drug addict. You are just as evil as the sinner that I had to save out of alcoholism. You are just as evil of a sinner as any other sinner, says God. If you reject my calling, no matter how good you feel you are in your heart or you were in your life,
I say you are living in an hour where the just must live by his faith. Will I find faith when I come on the earth? Will I find faith in your heart? Will I find a person who is willing to say yes to Me? Will I find a person who’s willing to say “Though I was raised in a Christian home, I admit, Lord, that I rebel against your calling. I admit Lord, that I reject the things that you prompt me to do. I admit God, that I do not spend as much time in prayer as I should. I admit God that I do not seek your face like I should. I too Lord am a sinner just as any other.†Will you admit that this morning? Will you come to me with your whole heart?
In this mature age in your life, you are maybe saying to Me says God, and this is not for everyone, but this is for a chosen few. You are saying to Me this morning “Oh God, I am too old to do this or that. I’m past my prime. There is nothing more that I can do for you, Lord. I just want to retire off the scenes and I want to enter into heaven.†I say to you I will use you as I have used any other in the scripture. I will use you as a Moses or an Abraham. I will use you as any other in the scripture says God. I will use you as a Job. I will use you, says God, in spite of your age.
And if you are young and you say “I’m too young to be used by the Lordâ€, the Lord says you are never too young to be used by me. Don’t let anybody despise your youth. Listen to my voice.
Do the things that I have called you to do. Whether you think you are good or evil, my call is pure. My calling is holy. My calling is righteous. My calling is just and to reject that calling and to reject the things that I ask you to do, whether big or small, is an evil deed in the eyes of the Lord.
Ask My forgiveness. Receive My grace. Be cleansed of your sins, says God, and begin to respond to Me in a new way. Yes, I want to change your life. Yes, I want to change your decisions. Yes, I want to alter your schedule, but it will be for all eternity that you, not only you will benefit, but all those lives you touch and will come into the kingdom and spend eternity with Me, says God.
Do not be afraid, but rather come and receive your forgiveness and start saying “yes†to every little thing, even every little thing I am calling you to do. Start submitting to Me and you shall find my grace and my strength to do them. No matter your age, no matter your place, no matter what you think of your own education or place in life, I will use your grace, says the Lord.
God has used Nolan in this prophetic gift listed in the New Testament for over 35 years. For many years his heart was grieved that only a few people that were gathered that day in whatever church he happened to be in had the opportunity to hear that word. Then, while writing one of his hundreds of articles, his proofreader read through one of the prophesies that were recorded by someone in the church and written out. The proofreader was amazed being familiar with Nolan’s writing ability and the many grammatical errors that she had to correct in every article he wrote. “This is amazing she said because these prophecies do not need any editing. They are word-for-word flawless! She then suggested that he make these prophesies public so that many more people can hear what God is saying in this hour by His Holy Spirit. With somewhat reluctance knowing that only those who believe that these gifts given to the church are for today could receive them, he agreed. Countless times through the years the prophesies closely follow the sermon notes that the following speaker that day has prepared for that congregation without Nolan ever knowing what they were. To all this, he says, “To God be all the glory for His precious gifts! Yes God is still speaking to His church today!”