Know you this day, know you this day that the righteous blood
Of the Son of God was shed on the cross
That the righteousness of God might be revealed in Him.
Do you not understand this great price that was paid
That all of the scriptures might be fulfilled in Him
That my Spirit might be able to be poured out on all flesh,
As was prophesied in the old and was fulfilled in the new?
For in the last days says God I will pour out my Spirit
On all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy
And your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and
On my servants and on my handmaidens, I will pour out my Spirit.
For it is my desire that my Spirit be poured out on all mankind.
For the promise is unto you and unto your children’s children
And all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call,
That my Spirit might empower you to do the righteous works of God.
That my Spirit might empower you to seek after my will, to know my will
And to fulfill my will says God in these last days, that my Spirit might
Be poured out upon you that you might overcome the temptations to sin,
That you might walk worthy of your heavenly calling,
That my Spirit might be poured out on you that you might know my power,
My strength, my ways, my anointing, my riches of my kingdom,
That my Spirit might be poured out on you even after my men of old
Walked after my will and accomplished great things, oh God says this morning.
Oh that you would open up your heart to the gift of the Holy Spirit, oh that
You open up your heart on this day that we remember, oh that you open up your heart
On this day that all was fulfilled, says God, in the shedding of righteous blood,
That my Word might be fulfilled says God this morning.
Open up your hearts this morning. Allow my Holy Spirit to fill you and fill your heart and fill your life with the power of Almighty God. Receive from Me says the Lord all that I have given you. Receive it with your whole heart and your life will accomplish great things for the kingdom and I will be glorified says the Lord!