As a Revivalist, after years of prayer and study on the topic, I have discovered that every single sect which has arisen as a result of its deviation from the early foundation of true Christianity or Biblical Judaism has exhibited three characteristics. Those which have arisen as a result of their deviation from the early foundation of true Christianity or even Biblical Judaism has had in common a three-part similarity. The current rise of deconstructionism with the birth of its false messiah “Progressive Christianity” is certainly no different. The basic threefold commonality is the moving away from self-denial and complete obedience to God and moving toward the focus on fleeting selfish desires. At the same time comes the influx of Biblically proscribed sins which produce a cut off of communication with God but also seductively accept a pseudo-spiritual counterfeit.
This deceptive offering of seemingly supernatural emotional feelings is similar to the true Holy Spirits’ presence and beguiling enough that it is able to deceive, as Jesus warned, “if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24b (NKJV)
Propagators of these false religions throughout time have felt justified in their heresies because they have “felt” like they have had God’s blessing on them, even though what they teach directly
contradicts the teachings of Scripture. Addressing an immoral situation in the church of Thyatira, Jesus offered some of the strongest rebukes found anywhere in the New Testament. His words “Now to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan,” (Rev. 2:24a) reveal an enlightening truth. This truth is that Satan is a master deceiver with deceptions that run “deep”. Although limited, his power is nevertheless effective, as we see demonstrated in the book of Job. As thinking believers, we must realize that deconstructionism’s “blind leading the blind” undermining of Biblical truth is nevertheless
accompanied by what they feel are signs and wonders as they experience what seems to them to be answers to prayer. Of course, if there were no signs and feelings of euphoria, then no one would be foolish enough to follow them!
One of the first scriptural accounts of God calling His people to separate themselves from ungodliness occurred when Abraham and Lot agreed to split the land, and each go his separate way. The same threefold pattern that we see today in Progressive Christianity was enacted in skeleton form in their story. In this familiar story, Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom, and then eventually moved to Sodom with his family, revealing the unspoken selfish desires of his heart.
(Genesis 13:12). The lure of that city with its culinary amenities, easier lifestyles, and unrestrained sensual pleasures pulled Lot’s family away from the righteousness and holiness that they had learned under Abraham’s godly mentoring. These are the same temptations that pull people away from God today and subconsciously give them the desire to find and follow the teachers of false Christianity.
As previously stated, by Satan’s design, the removal of physical restraints and a focus on self has been at the heart of every false Christian or Judeo deception. The removal of limits to sexuality is
then coupled with the encouragement of freedom in every area of sensual pleasure. Satan understands that making sin appear to be “understood by God” is the very scissors that cut the actual spiritual umbilical cord to the true and living God. Satan then introduces a false god in God’s place, one who is very capable of a deceptive “answering of prayers” and the stirring up of tingly emotional experiences. This reoccurring recipe has been used over and over again
throughout the centuries by different varieties of false Christianity and also by false sects of Judaism.
The promise of wealth and easier living, lavish culinary experiences and unrestrained sensual pleasure comprise the three-fold cord that makes up every type of false Christianity, including Progressive Christianity. Decades of deconstructionism have been preparing this birthing room for the arrival of this child. We as believers must recognize this false messiah-produced doctrine and as Jude declares “contend earnestly for the faith” Jude 1:3b (NKJV)” in every opportunity we have, not as stern-faced bigots but as individuals who are confident in who we are and in what we know to be the truth!
Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and its truths should be our main focus and are the medicine that is needed to cure the deceptions. Jesus’ sinless life and thirty-three and a half years of total
self-denial demonstrate the truths of authentic Christianity for all the world to see. His death on the cross demonstrates the need for all who follow him to take up their own cross and follow him in order to break the power of sin in their lives. His resurrection from the dead demonstrates the infallible proof of something that only God could do, sealing the reality of true Christianity. Paul told us what to expect when he told the Corinthian Church “For there must be also heresies
among you, that they which are approved may be manifest among you.” 1st Corinthians 11:19 (KJV). Paul further admonished Timothy Hold on to the sound teaching you have heard from me, with the faith and the love that are in Christ Jesus.” 2nd Timothy 1:13, (BSB) May God give us the
opportunity and boldness to hold fast to what we believe and to the infallibility of God’s Word!