God in His consistency and out of His long-suffering Biblically warned whole nations over many years that they must repent of all unrighteousness or face His judgments. He fully understands the absolute destructive nature of sin therefore out of His love He knows every effort must be made to defeat it at its root. Its root is the heart of man, and He must be effective in driving it out so He resorts to extreme measures when necessary. He may be starting by combining the passionate warnings of prayerful preachers under the new covenant, and those gifted as New Testament prophets for people to turn towards Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life through Him and Him alone.
After a season where only, He knows the length He in times past started by sending inclement weather. The second level of “let me get your attention” actions He sent by patterns we learn studying the Old Testament are increased amounts of sickness and disease. Finally, we see by Old Testament examples that they still do not heed His warnings, He sovereignly sends attacks and government overthrows by their enemies’ armies. The question that I want to pose in this article is number one has God been warning America over the last several years about its sinful conditions in an attempt to get people to repent and turn back to Him? If He has and I believe most of us agree that He has, are then one, two, or now all three of those “wake-up calls” in place in America?
So first of all we need to evaluate if God has sent obvious increases of inclement weather in the past several years to the U.S.? Chat GPT, A.I. stated, “There has been a noticeable increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, and heatwaves in various parts of the country.” I am not sure how much we think about this, but I say “Think about it because I believe God wants us to think about it! Then not only think about it but realize that it is a way historically God has spoken to His people Israel”.
The enemy of all souls wants to try to cover this up with a smoke screen which He is so good at doing. In this case, the smoke screen could easily be the theory of climate change. There is no question in my mind that our planet is being affected by something and anyone who denies this is ridiculous because the proof is out there. The ice caps are melting, the coral reefs in parts of the world are dying as well, and ocean water levels are rising. Several years ago, I read a report that cited NASA with discovering that the surface of Mars had increased two degrees in the then-recent years, indicating that the Sun was getting slightly hotter. Regrettably, I did not note and catalog that report, and for some mysterious reason, and I say that sarcastically, those reports seem to be hard to find now. However, I remember immediately being struck by the report and wondering then if God’s judgments were starting to be poured out on not only sinful America but the whole world. Because, more incredibly contagious than Covid ever was America’s laboratory of sin being our television and movie industry has spread alluring sex filled productions all over the world for years exciting man’s basest nature of lust. I have written to NASA, concerning that previous report, but if you go to their webpage, the page information says that they have not updated their main website since 2017! I am awaiting a reply to an email on the subject. All I know for sure is that when the science community wants documentation to disappear, it conveniently disappears! My conclusion here though, is that if the Sun is getting hotter out in space perhaps the reason for the ice caps melting and the oceans getting warmer killing the coral reefs in some places is not due to the theory of our atmosphere getting thinner by pollution, but that the Sun is getting hotter and it’s affecting all the planets. At Earth’s closest point to the sun, it is 91.4 million miles away. Mars’ closest point to the sun is 128 million miles away. Considering that great difference in distance, of 36.6 million miles if Mars’ surface is two degrees hotter, how much hotter then could planet Earth be if the sun is burning hotter? Wouldn’t it be something if the whole global warming thing being a “theory” was a wrong theory as far as what is causing it? Why would this fact disappear from our radar? Is it any wonder such Martian weather patterns might be the prime target of a coverup? That is because, my friends, it would involve billions of dollars, possibly trillions of dollars in greenhouse gas theory management and drive a ginormous hole in mostly left-wing political ideology. So then what Luciferin’s interest might be in involving himself with a complex coverup of the real problem? His interest would be to put a smoke screen over the reality that this is most likely God’s judgment on America level one. There’s one thing that is the most feared of all in the strategies of Hell and that is a national, leading to an international great spiritual awakening in Christ! One must consider that if the whole world received scientific data that suggested that the sun was getting hotter there is a very high likelihood they would be reminded of their immortality and would begin once again to turn to our Creator God for the only source of protection and salvation.
Modern scientists cite studies done back to the year 1850 using ice core drilling methods in various artic regions to extract CO2 readings from inside the ice’s trapped bubbles. By that they believe that the CO2 in the atmosphere was at 280 ppm. The ice core drilling in the polar regions of the earth in my opinion has a variability rating when it comes to actually dating the bubble samples for CO2. While the consistency to various parts of the earth for ice sampling could be closely monitored the atmospheric conditions being evaluated have no guarantee of precisely parallel dates from place to place leaving l room for moving factors. The exact same daily climate conditions would have to happen in every remote location where samples are taken over a process of years to be truly comparable and establish a precedent. Scientists in their humanness can sometimes be persuaded within their quest for adventure to see what they want to see and discover what they want to discover. Where do you think the phrase originated from “It’s not an exact science”? Today however with modern equipment the CO2 in the atmosphere is .04% In 2022, the global average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was 421 parts per million (ppm), or 0.04%. That’s about twice what they believe that it was then. The great alarms sound over the 1850 and the 2022 findings but the basis of all claims is that the Earth is getting hotter! Either God sovereignly is heating up the sun or He is turning man over to his own ways and our own technology is causing great global damage. Either one could be a form of God’s judgment or wake up call to America in this hour!
Look at what happened in Wuhan China, which segues perfectly into the next level of attention level ways that God chooses to get the attention of a nation that is falling away from Him. The terrible epidemic of Covid broke out into the world in Wuhan China, and we still do not have documented proof of where it came from or what was the complete scope of the vehicle of its transmission. As recent numbers vary, it seems that they can only go by averages because so much coverup was done. On the World Health Organization’s website, it is reported that their numbers show that there were in the US approximately three million deaths referred to as an Excess Mortality Rate in 2020, meaning that they estimate that there were three million more than would be considered the average death tolls for that year. A.I. reports also that currently in the U.S. there are significant rises in chronic diseases, infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance increases, mental health disorders, and even an increase in climate-related illnesses such as West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and other vector-borne illnesses. I believe God is speaking to us with the same language He has used for centuries in capital letters, knowing that most of the time the only way to get man’s attention is to take him through the fires of affliction.
Is He then also speaking through the invasion of enemy armies which is the last most intense way that He uses to turn people back to Him? According to the website globalaffairs.org the U.S. military has bases all over the world. While the U.S. boosts its military presence in the Middle East, it maintains troops on every continent. As of September 2022, there are 171,736 active-duty military troops across 178 countries, with the most in Japan (53,973), Germany (35,781), and South Korea (25,372). These three countries also have the most U.S. military bases – 120, 119, and 73, respectively. There are around 750 U.S. military bases in at least 80 countries, though Al Jazeera global news media network says the number “may even higher as not all data is published by the Pentagon.”

While our military operations continue to be worldwide to seemingly guarantee the safety of our citizens, every day in the news we get another astounding report of still more illegal nationals coming across our borders. With that come reports of huge confiscations of illegal drugs, weapons, and sex trafficking. The reports are further terrifying because a very large part of these men are single young men in their twenties and thirties. Social media buzzes with reports of possible covert military operations and there is a very possible reality that many of these men could be trained for exactly such operations. As of the writing of this article, we are told that since Oct 1, of 2023 22,000 Chinese illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border. We all know that the Chinese people themselves are some of the most loving people in the world. However, the internal machine of the Chinese Communist Party is known to be fueled by a philosophy of world domination. If 22,000 Chinese, mostly men of military age coming across our border does not wake us up as a nation, then sadly God knows we deserve what we get! We must realize He may be turning us in our pride and in our sin over to an enemy nation. I pray not, you pray not, we all pray not, but guess what? When we live in a nation, before God we are spiritually responsible to pray for that nation. We must turn discussion into prayer intercession and concern into seeking God with all of our hearts, according to the instruction of His word. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
I think it was about 35 years ago when I remember falling on my face as a prayer intercessor and crying out to God for revival, as it seemed as if even back then the society was so wreaked with sin that many people were saying “Jesus must be coming back soon!” In the middle of that prayer, I so clearly remember the Spirit of God breaking into my thoughts, saying “Nolan, you will live to see the day that America’s sin will grow so wicked that women will be offering up their babies to Satanic sacrifices”. While we have not yet seen that level of wickedness publicly, we all must wonder if all of this wickedness according to God’s definition of sin is spiraling out of control. I think of the scripture here that says “Hell and destruction are never full and so the eyes of man are never satisfied” Proverbs 27:20 (NKJV) A book could easily be written at this point, addressing all of the sinful things that this nation is engaged in, and actually, one has been written. It’s called “The Bible.” However, my purpose for writing this article is not to try to identify what sins this nation is guilty of before God. The purpose of this article is to point to the fact that God is using the same ways and means that He has used repeatedly throughout history to try to get us a nation to repent and turn away from those things that He calls sin. He is trying to get us to wake up and turn back toward His righteousness. We need a national revival. America needs another great awakening! If we do not prayerfully plead for revival, historically society gets worse until some group does. Thankfully our whole nation has not been destroyed by an invading army YET! I do believe that history shows us that the responsibility here falls on the church and we the believers that make up the true Body of Christ. For us as individuals, by searching for His promises in the Bible. Brothers and Sisters, find a good Bible-believing Bible-preaching church and start attending regularly to become born again and to renew your spiritual walk with Him.
During the over sixty years since I first became a Christian and during a lifetime of studying God’s word, both the Old and New Testaments, have shown me that if we do not, three things will happen, if God chooses to do so, being the merciful God that He is.
One; the weather patterns will get worse and yes, though it may sound too extreme to be possible, the sun, for instance, could start burning even hotter, causing more catastrophic weather extremities on the earth. If He continues to be merciful to us and decides to not destroy us all together as a nation, there could be even more earthquakes more tornados, and more hurricanes to try to get our attention. People, God must be God. He knows that most people come to Christ only when their lives become so bad that they give up and surrender to him. I just had the privilege of working with two men who I call sons of the faith because I have known them for so many years that they were both like adopted sons to me. Both admit that they had gotten so deep into sinful practices and a life without God being at the center, that their world began spinning out of control. I was able to get them both enrolled in Christ-focused residential treatment centers. I must add that in my own life once I strayed from God for a season and only when my heart had been so broken by bad relationships that I was contemplating suicide did I give my life back to Christ. Therefore, if God is being most merciful, He can continue to turn up the heat in our lives until we say “give” and fully turn ourselves back over to His Lordship. Then what is true for us as individuals must be true for us as a nation….”In their affliction, they will seek me early.
The second thing that He can do is to allow disease and plagues to increase within our nation. There was a whole page full of stats that the internet provided regarding the increases during the last 20 years. How do we consider that merciful? My brothers and sisters, it can only happen if we compare it with the Biblical doctrine of the existence of Hell and its’ imposition of tortuous eternal suffering for all of those who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. Even a large amount of suffering here cannot compare to hell. I encourage the reader to do a simple internet search on the subject of how the scripture describes “the suffering” of the place called Hell. I guarantee you that it will further deepen your heart’s commitment to embrace the salvation that Jesus purchased for you and me so that we can as the Bible clearly says, “know” that we have eternal life in Heaven with God.
Thirdly, and by far the scariest, is the fact that in biblical history whenever Israel or Judah walked so far away from God that they were into gross immorality and pagan worship, they ignored the warnings of the prophets over and over. It was at that point God would go silent for a season. The most powerful message the Biblical prophets ever gave was when they went silent. The reason that they went silent is because God showed them that He was going silent. The Israelites’ continued ignoring of His warnings angered God to the point that He knew that He had no choice. After that they still did not repent during His silence, He realized that He had to turn them over to their enemies, and in every situation that meant increased suffering at their hands; slavery to their kings, and their young men being forced to serve in their military, their young women being taken as primarily sex objects for the enemy armies. In addition, many women were forced against their will to marry the country’s military and wealthy business leaders. Then of course within the process of the enemy’s military takeover came the loss of thousands of lives in battle, including women and children, as there was no mercy in war as there is today in at least some places. This last step of God’s judgment against a nation’s sinful rebellion is by far the fiercest, the most painful, the most heartbreaking, and yes, again compared to spending eternity in Hell it is merciful if it turns people back to a relationship with God through Christ!
Brothers and sisters in Christ, and also even atheists and agnostics, wherever you may be, please hear the sound of the warning trumpet of God! Listen once again to the prophetic voices around you given by folks, who passionately seek the Lord with all of their heart. It is a play on words but in my opinion, God is speaking to us in capital letters concerning what needs to happen to save this nation.
I will conclude with this statement that I often use when I am invited to go to churches and speak on the subject of revival. “Revival is not God’s responsibility, but man’s responsibility. If revival is God’s responsibility, as it is often said, I believe that is just an excuse; people claim that He just sovereignly sent a revival to such and such a place, and thousands of people were saved because of that revival. How would He be fair and just in regards to all of the times, places, and peoples that He DID NOT send revival to, and many souls in those places perished?
However, revival is man’s responsibility. It is historically proven that every recorded revival in history started when a few people began to pray for an extraordinary amount of time for revival to come. Then a few more came to pray, and then a few more until eventually dozens were seeking daily. God then answered the invitation and came down, and great droves, sometimes thousands, of souls were saved. Then God was fair and just, as he always is and that community learned a critical spiritual lesson; namely, that we brothers and sisters are our brother’s keepers! As was once wisely said, “All it takes for evil to prevail in a nation is for good men to sit back and do nothing!”