Do you believe that it is possible for a person who lives for Christ to die before their time? The scriptures state, “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment. “Hebrews 9:27 (KJV) This verse is pretty clear. Indeed, most theologians agree that in it, Paul is teaching, without the shadow of doubt, that we all have an appointment with death. This is an appointment, which is according to God’s plan for our lives. If that is true, then shouldn’t we all have confidence in God’s timing, even in regard to our own death? If He wants us to die at a certain time in our lives and go to be with Him in Heaven, we should not fear that day.
My Dad recently went to be with the Lord at 85 years young. He suffered with various health issues for many years, several which threatened his life. Each time he pulled through but this time, as he gradually grew weaker we knew he was finishing the last chapter of his life. As he lay dying, suddenly we saw through his hospital window a beautiful rainbow a rainbow that touched down on a mountainside where he had hunted as a young man. I believe God was telling us, “He is young again!” At the end, although he could hardly breath, his last words to me were “I love you Nolan,” then he slipped away.
This somber experience has really caused me to think a lot about life, and death and eternity. It has also made me thankful that my Dad had accepted Christ as his Savior. We know he now has a perfect body and will never suffer again. We know we will see him again someday in Heaven
As with every other truth that is found in the Bible, there is a balance. Just as there are promises for both a long life here and eternal life after death, there are those that suggest a person’s life can be shortened here on earth.
If we do indeed have an appointment with death, which is pre-ordained by God, then should we live reckless lives, running across crowded streets, racing into busy traffic? Should we see how close we can get to the edge of a cliff for a good selfie with our cell phones, or as a youth pastor see how far we can push the buttons of a mad mother? Absolutely not! That last one could be fatal! It is clear that God’s word does have scriptures which teach us that by living foolishly we can shorten our lives deviating from God’s perfect plan.
The very first promise for a long life on the earth comes from one of the ten commandments. “Ephesians 6:2 and 3 state “Honor your mother and your father – this is the first commandment with a promise so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”(NIV) These verses reveal both the importance God places on the respect we should always show our parents and a special promise of long life for those who do. There is also something else indicated here which is not being preached in many modern-day churches, namely, that if we do not honor our parents then we can expect that things will not go well for us and that our days on earth will be shortened.
Proverbs 10:27 says that “The fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.” This verse reinforces the fact that a person’s life could be shortened by their bad actions. Consider this; people who are truly evil, people who think nothing of mistreating people for their own gain, often become victims of their own criminal lifestyle. Romans 6:23 tells us that “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”(KJV)
The examples are limitless; the numbers go into the thousands of gang related deaths in the inner cities of America. This is very sad. Young men and women that God would have in His perfect will, grown up to be productive members of our society, are snuffed out by unrestrained lifestyles, many while still in their teens. Additionally, how many babies are aborted each year in this country in the name of birth control? If every person gave their lives fully to Christ and submitted to His will for their life, there would be no more unwanted pregnancies or gang related death.
Psalm 116:15 gives a very interesting perspective on death from God’s point of view. It says “Precious in the eyes of the Lord are the death of His saints.”(KJV) In addition Isaiah 57:1b says paraphrased that God takes some righteous people home while they are young to preserve them from the pain that is about to come. How can this be?
You see, as much as we have lived for God and studied His word for many years I do not believe we really grasp the truth. God understands that the moment we stop breathing this earthly air and start breathing His heavenly air is actually the real beginning of the beginning He has planned for us all along. That this brief time that we have spent on earth, that the Bible calls a “vapor”, has all the while been the preparation for the real beginning, for what He has planned for us in Heaven. We will live for all of eternity in a city of pure gold, never again to be separated from those we love. Jesus said “I go to prepare a place for you, where there will be no more sickness, pain or tears.” The event, which we fear the most, which we mistakenly label “our end”, is actually God’s beautiful beginning.