Ongoing investigations are proving that highly specialized scientists backed by the Chinese Communist Party created the Coronavirus in a laboratory in China. The scientists spent many years experimenting with deadly viruses. The Coronavirus was not the result of a naturally mutating virus being spread by bats, as originally reported by Chinese officials. Investigators are now trying to dig deeper to determine if the virus leak into the public was the result of an accident or was instead an intensional act of germ warfare. Add to the sadness of the spread of the disease, taking hundreds of thousands of lives and costing worldwide economies trillions of dollars, is the clear that early findings by Chinese scientists and doctors were quickly covered up by the Chinese government. No word exists in the English language that correctly describes the enormity of this atrocity.
Believe it or not, although it will probably be determined that the coronavirus cover-up is the greatest pathological cover-up of all time, there is a spiritual cover-up that took place in history which causes the coved 19 to pale in comparison. Once this covert operation began, the perpetrator set in motion a full-scale and long-lasting plan to suppress any knowledge of his actions injecting this deadly virus that into all of mankind. The scientist was named Satan and the virus was sin.
Sin has always been the most effective when it is covert. Just as with COVID19, the longer that sin has to germinate, the stronger hold it will get on an individual, and the more damage it will do internally. Sin, in accordance with the teaching of the scripture, is any act, which is in direct disobedience to what God says through His Word, the Bible. Like coronavirus, sin started as a single seemingly small act. God gave very clear instructions in the Garden of Eden to Adam, the first man and Eve, the first woman. Genesis 2:16,17 states “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for the day that you shall eat of it you shalt surely die.” Then in chapter three, the historical record is given; Satan in the form of a serpent began his first cover-up scheme. He did not just say “Hey Eve, there are some awesome fruits over here that are so delicious; you should try them.” Instead, he began by injecting the doubt factor in the suppression of the truth. He asked Eve “Has God indeed said that you shall not eat of every tree of the Garden? Genesis 3:1b(NKJV) Eve responded by saying that God had given them permission to eat of every tree in the garden except one and if they ate the forbidden fruit, they would surely die.
Next Satan did something else that he is very good at. He twisted the truth. He said; “You will not surely die for God knows that in the day ye eat of it your eyes will be opened, you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4,5(NKJV) First Eve then Adam fell to Satan’s clever cover-up of the truth. When they bit into the forbidden fruit, the virus of sin entered into both of their beings and proceeded to infect every human being from that day forward. What they realized is that the death God was referring to was a spiritual death in their relationship with Him! Through this act of disobedience, the virus of sin caused the death of the spiritual relationship with God to enter the world. The virus began to reproduce quickly. Cain one of their first two sons murdered his brother Able over a jealousy issue.
Today the virus of sin is having a huge impact worldwide. Billions of the world’s population are infected because they are either totally rejecting the teachings of the Bible or have yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the proven cure for this condition. Receiving the gift of salvation through what Jesus did on the cross at Calvary 2020 years ago has proven to radically reduce the symptoms of the disease of sin and eventually cure an individual all together.
How deadly is sin and how much is it costing the world financially every day?
Choosing to take the list in 1st Corinthians 6:9,10 as a guideline regarding who will be allowed to go into Heaven and who will not because of sin can give us an idea of sin’s cost. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God.” (KJV) Just consider for a minute the huge emotional damage caused by premarital and extramarital sex every year. Imagine the legal and emotional costs of divorce, venereal diseases, abortions, porn addictions, and pedophilia. Consider further a few more of the costs of the symptoms of this viral pandemic of sin. The costs of robbery, extortion, prostitution, organized crime, alcoholism, unbridled prejudice, and rioting go off the charts. Then consider totally all the costs spiritually, emotionally, and financially of everyone that has ever lived for six thousand years. It very much proves that this deadly virus called COVID19 pales in comparison to the virus of sin.
The good news is that immediately after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden God announced a plan quoted in Genesis 3:15; that through the seed of the woman He would raise up a deliverer. Jesus Christ, who lived a perfectly sinless life, fulfilled that prophecy by dying on a cross four thousand years later and shedding His sinless blood as the “perfect Lamb of God”, thereby paying sins debt for all of mankind who would receive it. Please receive that gift of salvation for yourself today. John 3:16