We all know that humankind’s first sin took place in the Garden of Eden when Eve and then Adam directly disobeyed God, by eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, the Lord recently showed me that especially in this age we are also being strongly affected by an archangel’s original sin or the sin of the fall of Satan himself then known as Lucifer. Lucifer was the father of original sin!
Lucifer was the most beautiful of all the angels. His job in Heaven was actually that of a “worship leader!” If you study the scriptures describing him, you will find that as a created being part of his very structure as an angelic being was made up of musical instruments. As hard as that is for us to wrap our minds around the fact is that Satan has always used music, originally created by God for holy purposes, for evil. Even today the devil continues to transform the gift of music into evil in order to seduce and deceive many into lives and practices that are displeasing to God.
Lucifer’s judgment and fall is described very vividly in Isaiah chapter fourteen. Starting in verse twelve, the prophet tells us “ How thou art fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer thou son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregations in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV)
The original-original sin, if you excuse my play on words, occurred when Lucifer, later called Satan, wanted to be like God. Plain and simple, he wanted to be worshipped. In Ezekiel 28:17 KJV it states “Because of thy beauty you were lifted up with pride.” He was deceived by his pride. Jesus declared, in Luke 10:18 that he saw Satan cast down to the earth like a bolt of lightening. Obviously, God’s most severe judgment came upon one of His own creation along with what many believe was one-third of the angels who sided with Satan in his “overthrow of Heaven” plans. This as many of us in the Christian world understand is where evil actually began in God’s created universe.
So now enter the garden scene with me. What did Satan, disguised as a serpent really tempt Eve with? Was it simply a piece of fruit? Was it only a piece of fruit coupled with the lie that God just didn’t want them to be like God? Think about it for a minute. No, it says in Genesis three, verse five, “ For God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof then your eyes will be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil!” (KJV) You see what Satan was tempting her with was exactly what he fell for himself! “Eve God knows if you will be as gods you will be worshipped!” He had wanted to be as God so he could be worshipped and he was laying the exact lie and temptation out to her and she fell for it! Although it doesn’t say it she must have had a little discussion with Adam also laying the lie on him too. Then the Bible says he ate of the forbidden fruit and both of their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked.
However, this original-original sin in particular is permeating not only the world but the church world today and here is how. People today are longing to be so loved, so cherished, so adored, made to be so beautiful, that they are in a very seeming self- gratifying way worshipped!
A few years ago as a single Christian man I was dating a girl and needed to borrow her car to drive somewhere. I hadn’t given a second thought to the fact that she frequented a tanning salon until that day. In looking for a pen, I opened up her middle compartment to find one and found a bottle of tanning lotion that had this title. “Worship Worthy”. Perhaps not surprisingly, that bottle of tanning lotion ended up lasting longer than the relationship. It’s label told me a lot that day not only about an industry marketing plan, but the desire of some to become so beautiful that they will be worshipped. Although I’m pretty sure no one actually wants to be bowed down to but that same arch angel’s original sin concept is still there.

Several years ago I heard a traveling preacher state that in the last days Satan was going to raise up a generation of beautiful women lusting to destroy the leadership of churches in America. Have you ever noticed that whenever an attractive woman, or sometimes man for that matter, is around, that they get special treatment? They seem to get promotions at work faster. They seem to find ways to get special favors. They seem to have no shortage of people willing to hold the door or help them out in even a small way. This can be innocent enough by itself unless an individual is so trying to make themselves so attractive, so that they will be adored or “worshipped!” Put first! Honored above others! Pampered! Perhaps even have a say in how things are done in a department of their choice in their local church?
Romans 1:25 KJV states “Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. May we never be guilty of seeking others to worship us, or finding ourselves exalting others. All worship belongs to the God of Creation, and the Son Jesus Christ!