The spirit of America has a loud and greatly divided cry. Yet regardless of our divisions, deep in the heart of hearts of every American there is a yearning for a strong foundation for our country again. There is a yearning for straight forwardness, and a hunger for hope. Hope for something which some have never known even existed, unless they have had the good fortune to read about it in a history book. Most have never been exposed to historical documents which somehow have survived the ruthless limb trimming of the intellectual humanists of our day; historical records which valiantly describe the strong character and heroism of our forefathers and mothers, of their faith, their stellar self denials, and the type of American children their sacrifices and Biblical instruction produced. Most have not seen the historical records of selfless ancestors, because licentious rebels have lopped off, and out of our history books, and out of our worldview these records forever. It is that very self-focused center of humanistic philosophy that wants to bury the stories forever of anyone who’s moral example of life’s decision making bring any sense of guilt to their lack of restriction lifestyles.
In 1977 Baker Book House Company published a book called “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall Jr. and David Manual. This book uncovers many forgotten and previously unrevealed truths about God’s hand in American History. The authors, through untold hours of research, located many of the original writings of our forefathers, both famous and unknown. These writings allow the reader a glimpse into the true hearts and minds of these men and women in our history. This is a “must read” for any history buff or any history teacher in America.
As we reflect back, we realize that one of the problems regarding President Donald Trump and the current spirit of America is that his character, though flawed, in many ways represents the strong and spirited personalities of the leaders of old. Our educational system has had a few generations to evolve into for the most part groups of educators who have had time since the radical shift of the sixties to become full-grown products of their own humanistic philosophies. The god of self has been put on the throne of their lives. The worship and central focus of all their decision making in their existence has become self-fulfillment and pleasure. This seems “right in their own eyes.” However, enough time has not yet lapsed to prove once again that such philosophies are what have eventually brought down every other great civilization in world history. Therefore strong-willed, authoritative men like Donald Trump are nauseating to the lawless free wheeling way of life of liberal thinkers.
Such people prefer passive leaders, leaders whose mantra is “If it doesn’t bother you then it doesn’t bother me”, leaders who feel every conflict in the world can be resolved through suave diplomacy. Their religion, secular humanism, embraces leaders who lack a moral compass or convictions based on any cohesive philosophy and especially not the philosophy of the Bible. Modern thinkers crave leaders who have an emotion-based philosophy of unity. Their mantra is Love, love, love; all the time everyone, everywhere, and accept all of their cultural differences and differences of opinion on right and wrong!
To the total astonishment of those of the “live and let live” mindset Donald Trump was elected president, by a people who probably only knew two basic things about him. Number one they knew that he was a billionaire, and number two, that he was the TV star of the show called “The Apprentice.” As such, they knew that he is a very strong willed, authoritative, tough boss who made the phrase “You’re Fired!” famous. This is the same man that America voted in as their president.
Could it be that regardless of how much power the liberal left has, and of the many members as it has embedded in and in many cases running the educational system in America, that deep down the spirit of America was crying out for a true patriot? First of all an authoritative man, and secondly a man with a backbone of steel and the tenacity of she bear robbed of her cubs? Could it be that the true light and hope of American heroism has not been snuffed out or lopped off by liberal educators chopping inspirational stories out of our history books, by liberal spiritual rebels wanting to raise a generation of passive sissies who could be easily controlled and won over to their preferences of lasciviousness? Could it be that louder and more powerful than any promise of a life of bliss by morally depraved people is a cry of the true spirit of America for another George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, to rise up with strong leadership? Was America looking for leadership that would bowl over any passive philosophies of men that focus on the temporary high, without considering the long range affects such thinking has on the future of our children and the future of this nation? Could it be that to the majority of Americans Donald Trump however imperfect he may be embodies such a personality?
I do believe America perceived that there were basically two types of Americans left in this country. Americans who were imperfect, and Americans who had not yet had their imperfections exposed.
I truly believe that at the end of the day this president will go down in history as the most persecuted president that ever lived but will also have become one of the most loved. Not because he has done everything perfectly right, but because he was a true patriot who is willing to fight for what he believes is needed. Will history record Donald Trump as the president who fought against the floating dandelion seeds of humanism and socialism, and who embraced the solid oak roots of what made America what she was? I believe it will.