Last year was a year of significance. It brought its own blessings and made us better people. This year the LORD gave the theme, ‘Significant harvest’. As believers we anticipated greater things based on what God did last year.
We prayed into the year and trusted God for a manifestation of His word. Indeed, the year began brightly and the Lord is still being merciful. Last year some parts of the world were hit by the novel Coronavirus. It started killing many especially since much was not known about it. While plagued countries battled this disease, non infected countries felt it was too far to get to their countries. Caution was left to the wind and now over 184 countries are carrying the burden of their initial neglect. Now many parts of the world are on lockdown. Borders have been closed. Social distancing is being preached everywhere. There is restriction everywhere.
Not many saw this coming.
In fact, some men of God have been left grieving over the themes they chose for the year. Many believers are downcast and feel like moving into 2021. Many even see this disease taking over the whole year. As scientists battle to find the appropriate vaccine to stop this virus, men of God are also battling to keep their flock from dispersing.
Indeed, I don’t fault men of God for not seeing this. The Bible says the “secret things belong to God….” Deuteronomy 29:29. God chooses what to reveal to His people. Besides, we get to know and trust God well in the presence of adversity. In our Christian life God tells us the beginning and some parts of the end. God however usually keeps the middle portions from us. God does this because He knows we will refuse to walk the middle journey if we hear of the valleys and trials on that path. These are times when God expects His people to get closer to Him because He is a very present help in times of difficulties. Many people have used work as an excuse to neglect the things of God. These are the times to get closer. Churches will be closed, workplaces will be closed, Pubs will be closed but God’s word remains sure. God’s grace is made perfect in our weakness. There is no better time to get closer to God than these times. In these times we can make time for God and hear Him talk to us. As social distancing fades, spiritual close distancing grows.
God foresaw all these happening and still chose to let it happen. He knew that a time like this was going to happen to make us know that everything may fail but He stands sure. Whatever theme God gave you this year is still possible. All we need is the faith to believe. We don’t need our faith in times of joy. This is the time God requires us to come closer. That blessing God gave you is still possible. That job is still possible. That marriage is still possible. That promotion is still possible. That travelling is still possible. Do not use current conditions to determine what God can do. God is still able to keep His word for with men it is impossible but with Jesus, all things are possible.
2020 is still a year of many blessings. it is still a year of possibilities. It might even be your year of greatness. If God says it is your year of SIGNIFICANT HARVEST, then it is. Don’t allow the vulnerabilities and happenings of these times to trouble you. Keep holding on to the things of God. Draw closer to your Maker. Be diligent in all your ways. Wake up every morning knowing that a significant harvest awaits you. Don’t wait for all these to pass before you come to remind God of the things He promised you. This is the time to take what belongs to you. The year is still young. It has many wonderful things ahead.
Stay Strong. Stay healthy. Stay Positive. God is still in control.