In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of young people disengaging from politics. Many young Christians, in particular, have expressed disillusionment with the political process, feeling that their voices are not heard, or that the political system is corrupt and irredeemable. However, as Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16), and this includes being engaged in the political sphere. In this article, we will explore why it is important for Christian youth to be politically engaged and how they can use their influence to bring positive change to society.
Firstly, we must recognize that politics is not an optional extra for Christians. As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors and seek the common good (Mark 12:31, Jeremiah 29:7). Politics is one of the key ways in which we can do this. Our elected officials make decisions that affect the lives of millions of people, and as Christians, we have a responsibility to ensure that these decisions are just and compassionate. By engaging with the political process, we can help to shape policy and legislation that reflects our values and promotes the flourishing of all people.
Furthermore, political engagement is an essential part of our witness as Christians. In a world that is often characterized by division, anger, and polarization, we can model a different way of being. By engaging in politics with humility, respect, and a commitment to the common good, we can show the world what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. We can demonstrate that our faith is not just a private matter, but that it has implications for every aspect of our lives, including our political engagement.
So how can Christian youth get involved in politics? Here are a few suggestions:
Pray for our leaders and our country. As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer. We should pray for our elected officials, that they would have wisdom, integrity, and a heart for justice. We should also pray for our country, that it would be a place of peace, prosperity, and freedom for all.
Educate yourself on the issues. It can be tempting to rely on soundbites and headlines to form our opinions on political issues. However, as Christians, we are called to be people of discernment and wisdom. We should take the time to research the issues that matter to us, and to listen to a variety of viewpoints. We should also seek out resources that provide a Christian perspective on politics and public policy.
Get involved in local politics. Local politics can have a significant impact on our communities, and it is often easier to have a meaningful impact at the local level than at the national level. Consider attending city council meetings, volunteering on a political campaign, or even running for office yourself.
Engage with your elected officials. Our elected officials are there to represent us, and they need to hear from their constituents in order to do their jobs effectively. Write letters, make phone calls, or even schedule a meeting with your elected officials to express your concerns and advocate for the issues that matter to you.
In conclusion, political engagement is an essential part of our calling as Christians. We have a responsibility to love our neighbors, seek the common good, and be salt and light in the world. By engaging with the political process, we can help to shape policy and legislation that reflects our values and promotes the flourishing of all people. Let us pray for our leaders, educate ourselves on the issues, get involved in local politics, and engage with our elected officials. May we be faithful stewards of the political influence that God has given us, and may we use it to bring about positive change in our world.