CBS’s television show “Blue Bloods” on CBS is one of the most popular shows on the air. Although there are no new episodes of “Blue Bloods being produced, it continues to be one of the most watched re-runs on television.
“Blue Bloods”, which casts a favorable light on the role of police officers in New York City, has a re-occurring sub-plot, which constantly challenges the viewers’ thirst for mystery. Detective, Danny Reagan, repeatedly brings cases for prosecution to his oldest sister Erin, a leading district attorney. A similar scenario repeats itself over and over. Danny brings a case against a perceived criminal and Erin always demands “proof”! “Give me evidence Danny, she exclaims, I cannot try a case without evidence!, It’s the law!”
Each program always has a legally favorable ending after Danny is instructed to work harder, dig deeper, and draw from the combined help of his family and other experienced law enforcement officials to develop a “rock solid case”! Erin has to keep reminding Danny as he is a bit of a rogue cowboy type, “Do it by the book, Danny, do it by the book!”
It recently seemed to me that all of the allegations surrounding this recent election fraud follow a similar pattern. President Trump’s legal teams are presenting lawsuits and legal challenges to this election at many different levels across the nation. There seems to be an “Erin Reagan” cry in the land from both the general populous and the court systems, where applicable, to create a “rock solid case” and to do it “by the book!” If there has been widespread voter fraud then they have to prove it!
The bottom line in this situation is that if any potential election fraud activity was involved it was either by consensus or conspiracy. However, for such fraud to have occurred simply by the consensus of large numbers of similar minded Trump resistant voters, the odds would have had to been astronomical for them all to fall into a similar pattern of false and late mail in ballots, internal voting station deceptions, and voting machine manipulation. On the other hand, if the alleged election was “rigged, manipulated, or adjusted” by any means by groups or individuals having a vested interest in the outcome of the elections, then that would constitute an obvious conspiracy, a conspiracy that would have to be well thought out, pre-planned and would have to involve the coordination of multiple individuals.
There is of course a problem with alleging that a vast number of individuals were coordinated, trained and organized. Such a three-fold plan to oust and incumbent president would have required a lot of effort. You would have to prove that such a plan to oust the president actually existed. It would take a lot to formulate such a plan. Evidence would have to come forth to prove that such training and coordinating existed. Even as the naysayers and conspiracy doubters look on, mocking the allegations and evidence, in their hearts they must also know that it might be easy to find whistleblowers with a secret loyalty to Donald Trump’s presidency. They should also know that such a revelation could actually generate charges of treason against elements in our government and of malfeasance in the heretofore-trusted political process.
Politicians seem to paint wide strokes with a gray brush as they attempt to cover a lot of the black and white of right and wrong in the treatment and individual rights and public reputations. Someone running for political office can be accused, mocked, harassed, as they become victims of planned and organized character assassination attacks that no other category of individuals in this country are expected to endure. For decades now our courts have stood behind women, and literally every ethnic people group in this nation protecting them from racial slurs, unjust treatment and cultural prejudices. Yet someone running for any public office, from local to national, often has to endure the brunt of the loose cannons and the non stop barrage of verbal rhetoric generated by many working for biased national and local media machines.
In Luke 12:2, as Jesus was teaching he said; “But there is nothing covered up which will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.”(NKJV) In actuality, many places in the Bible shows us that it is almost God’s specialty to shine His light in dark places and reveal wicked actions, when He chooses to!
We live in a world today where due to modern technology people’s “crafty” plans to deceive can be more complex than ever before. We must realize that the same God who shed light into the darkness of Adam and Eve’s disobedience nearly six thousand years ago can still shine His light into the darkness of the most sophisticated and crafty plans and the most complex computer software, which may have ever been invented.
As Christians, what confidence can we have that our Heavenly Father will cause election fraud to be exposed, actions which, if they did in fact occur, would amount to criminal activity at many levels? We must ask this question in the light of the fact that we recently celebrated the 400th anniversary of the crossing of the Mayflower. If we believe and trust that God indeed birthed this nation then I firmly believe that He will be faithful to protect, what He allowed to be born, so that it can continue to grow into what He desires it to become.
If a conspiracy did indeed take place in our elections, and if the alleged election loss by Donald Trump, was not the legitimate result of the voting process in place in our nation, then I am confident that God will expose those things, which have been hidden in darkness and bring them to light. If on the other hand, by the sometimes mysterious working out of His sovereign will, that He chooses not to, then as always, He is working all things out for our eternal good.