US-based preacher Winnie Haizel, the founder and leader of WINIE HAIZEL MINISTRY is set to host Ghanaian renowned worshippers MOG Music, SK Frimpong, and Isaac Frimpong in a 6 hours non-stop prayer session on Saturday, 27th March 2021.
Under the theme “Worship as a Weapon“, Winnie sought to bring believers’ attention to the fact that Worship is not just the way we sing to God, it’s a weapon we have from God. Worship is a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare that defeats the enemy and completely nullifies His plan of destruction for our lives. Hence have to use worship as a weapon to tap into God’s power.
The free prayer session promises to be a supernatural encounter moment for all who will join in this prayer retreat; as the Endtime powerhouse preacher, Woman of God (WOG) – Winifred Haizel is empowered by the Most-High for signs and wonders. Alongside the anointing upon the spirit-filled worshippers setting up the atmosphere for an intense prayer-worship, leading participants to the throne of grace.
The all-time prayer event is to be held virtually on zoom and streamed on Facebook via Winnie Haizel Ministry page from 3pm – 9pm
Registration is free and open to all who want to join and experience God’s power.
Join via Zoom: Meeting ID ( 5883693752) Password: (IAMWHM)
Below are the texts for the prayer session
Luke 17:10
1 Chronicle 16:29
2 Chronicle 20:22
Joshua 6:4-5