After several attacks on Christians in China, the Communist Party in China has ordered teachers not to mention God in class. In an article published by bitter winter, it stated that, (1) Even the very young are giving oaths to the Communist Party, (2) Pledging to resist religion and report on believers in their families, (3) Signing ceremonies for atheism
Spy on your family and report the religious (4) Believe in science, not heterodox teachings. These were the contents given by the Chinese government to combat religion, according to them, if these content will be successful then they must start from young people in schools.
Punishments have been amended out for teachers to refuse to obey the contents. Termination of jobs will be spelled out for disobedience.
Teachers will be monitored by authorities to ensure that there are no thoughts or teachings on democracy, religion, or exposed to any criticism of the regime. Absolute control of schools will be a government burden and all ideologies will be communist-centered.
According to Leah MarieAnn Klett, a reporter at Christian Post, “the government believes that religious teachers are hostile to the Communist Party, even if they don’t evangelize,” an English teacher from the eastern province of Shandong, said. “The CCP is afraid that they would integrate faith into teaching. That’s why they strictly control teachers and want them to follow its ideological system and eventually become puppets that cannot think independently.”
Teachers in schools have been criticized for making mention of “God” or “pray” during mealtime or before or after mealtimes. Ever since President Xi Jinping took office, regulations have been amended to restrict believers from worshipping God and praying. Sources said that videos of Jesus’ disciples have been showing to children depicting them as scary monsters, tarnishing the image of the “Gospel.” Evidence showed that Christian leaders have been banned from organizing young people to participate in ministerial works. The China Communist Party says that Christendom pose threat to their ideology, thus it is willing to overcome such threats.
Our hope and prayers are that God of all sovereign authority shows Himself in the lives of Christians teachers living in China. Join hands and let intercede for these people.