Iran is a country that over 98% of the people are Muslim and among 10 worst countries for Religious Ministries, especially for Christians. Armin Paul is a persecuted Christian in Iran because of his Convert from Islam to Christianity. He narrated his sad story to Adzato Michael on ChristianLens.
“I was born in Iran to a Muslim family. As I remember I was in high school near 22 years ago, it was for the first time that I could vote in the presidential election. I voted like many to the reformist to have a better future and make some changes in some issues but anything did not change and I was hopeless.
Then some years later after the presidential election, I was arrested during protests to the presidential results and for near 20 days, I was under rough torture.
I think to be a Christian, every person needs something to happen in his or her life some gradually some in a flash.
I was so sad and hopeless after I tortured. Then I met two brothers who were Christians
My mom told me always, “do not shake hands with them or do not accept their invitation cause they are Christian so they are not clean”.
I accepted their invitation and for the first time, I went to their home. Their mom did pray for all people and especially for me. The prayer was so pure. I did borrow the Bible from them but I could not understand many parts.
Three years later one of our family had a car accident. All the family did pray for him. He was young and in a critical condition.
In this situation, one thing came to my mind to ask my friend’s mom to pray for him. She was honest and pray so pure from her heart. Unfortunately, they moved to another country because they were under lots of pressure for many years because of their faith in Christianity.
I asked our Lord Jesus Christ that I heard you are powerful and you are alive. If you heal this person then I will come to your way and become a Christian.
The person cured and it was my turn to become a Christian but how?
I did not have a book or did not know how and where should I begin.
I started to search so I found my friend that he converted from Islam to Christianity.
He started to teach me about Christianity and we read the Bible together. As time passed by, I had lots of information but I wanted to practice and be a real Christian. I needed to have an answer to some questions that were in my mind about Christianity.
I moved to Turkey and found a Catholic Church, then a priest from Poland and my sponsor from the UK talked. We started to send Emails and they taught me many lessons.
After two years, I could Baptize. My family understood and they told me I have to leave the house because my family was under lots of pressure from others to kill me.
I left the house and I lost my job too. Many times security service called me and my family, asked me to become a Muslin again. I did not accept that.
Then I was under lots of limitations. They did beat me. I got hernia after they did beat me so hard.
My mother has breast cancer and my father has pancreatic cancer. Then they arrested my mother and father and investigated them many times. They asked my mom to convince me to become a Muslim or I will die. The security services attacked my house and searched for my books many times.
Then my mom got ICH. It means brain hemorrhage. She was in a coma for a week and now her left side us paralyzed after security service bother her so hard
The Church has tried to help me a lot but Turkey is not a good place for Christians anymore
Especially when Turkey has a warm relationship with Iran so deported many refugees to their homelands
At this time, I do not have any place to live, sleep, do not have any job, can not continue my education, can not marry, can not read Bible, can not go to the church. I want to be a normal Christian, I want to have a normal life.
At this time I search for a safe country to settle and start a new life and be a real Christian person.
I need the world and all countries and leaders to hear my voice that full of pain and sadness. Please help me to get rid of this condition”.