Written in an official Chinese textbook, for “Professional Ethics and Law” as revealed by UCA News is the opposite of John 8:1-12.
According to the Bible, John 8:1-12 is a story that elaborates the redemption of an adulterous woman who was caught in adultery, they said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught b in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that any person found indulged in such act should be stoned. But what do You say?.” Jesus wrote something on the ground, and when he had finished, he said to them, he who has never sinned should stone the woman. The people became astonished and went away.
This great story in the bible has however been rewritten in this new Chinese textbook.
The book states that “The crowd wanted to stone the woman to death as per their law. But Jesus said, ‘Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.’ Hearing this, they slipped away one by one. When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death saying, ‘I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.’”
This is the New Gospel according to the Chinese Communist Party.
This new book on Professional Ethics and Law was published by the government-run University of Electronic Science and Technology Press. It is been reported that the Chinese government now has control of Bibles been printed out. This could lead to a serious catastrophe for Christians.
Previous updates stated that Christians in China have been persecuted because of their faith in Christ. The Communist Party in China is saying that these believers are posing a threat to their ruling. Crosses on churches have been ripped off, burned, and destroyed. Again, they also banished any lesson on these Christian teachings about Christ.