Renowned Christian vocalist, Dante Bowe, has shed light on his departure from the acclaimed group Maverick City Music, citing his pursuit of a solo career as the catalyst for the split. Bowe’s revelations came forth during an exclusive interview on “The Afternoon Hustle with Amir Diamond.”
Addressing the circumstances that led to his departure, Bowe candidly discussed an incident involving a photo he posted on social media that sparked controversy. While speaking about the incident, he clarified, “I accidentally posted a photo of myself that was like, inappropriate, but it wasn’t like a sexual photo.”
Last year, Maverick City Music issued its own statement, attributing the separation to behavior misaligned with the group’s fundamental values and principles. “Due to behavior that is inconsistent with our core values and beliefs, we have decided to put a pause on our professional relationship with Dante Bowe,” their statement read. They acknowledged the complexity of the decision, both on professional and personal fronts, but emphasized its necessity.
Bowe, however, has offered a divergent perspective, suggesting that he felt compelled to depart as his solo endeavors gained traction. “I was the first artist to go on their first arena tour without the group, and so we were really having like these little feuds,” Bowe disclosed, delving into a facet of his journey he had not previously discussed. He went on to reveal that he feigned illness to avoid joining the group on tour, explaining, “I did feel bad, like I was a little sick, but at the same time, I was just really tired of being a part of a group.”
Reflecting on the specific incidents that might have fueled his separation, Bowe pointed to a video he had shared on Instagram, wherein he and friends were seen enjoying a song by rapper/singer Bad Bunny on a party bus. “I think what happened between me and them at the time with me posting that video of me dancing to Bad Bunny or the picture of myself or whatever the case may be, I feel like it was just their leeway to just go ahead and pause the relationship with me,” he expressed.
The image in question depicted Bowe in a bathroom mirror selfie, donning a tank top pulled up over his chest. In response to the situation, TRUE Music, the record label of which Bowe is CEO, clarified, “For clarification, Dante had no intention of sharing the photo.”
Dante Bowe’s departure from Maverick City Music marks a significant juncture in his musical journey as he forges ahead with his solo career. The artist’s interview offers fans a deeper understanding of the complexities underlying this professional evolution and sheds light on the dynamics that played a role in the separation.
I love u Dante & ever since I saw you apart of Maverick I’ve been praying for you!!! I will continue to pray so that you see just like King Solomon who had it All without following God through Christ Jesus, we are nothing!!!