Are the people in churches more comfortable with online giving than going to church and giving in the usual manner? That is a question for churches, pastors and faithful will be able to answer as the years slides along Covid-19 turbulence.
From March at the very height of Corona virus lockdown, many church goers for the first time in their church going lives, witnessed, online service and online giving of offering, tithes etc. Though this has been ongoing for some times by the time lockdown was pronounced in many countries; it became the new normal.
People who previously wouldn’t touch things, like Zoom or FaceTime, suddenly rely on them for personal connection. Similarly, people who would not give digitally are now willing to trust the system. In our current state, as humans.
A unique opportunity to grow digitally and automate giving in churches is here . But, how do we do that?
Maybe your church is in the process of re-opening its doors or has reopened, you’re still facing months of online-only services, now is the time to make sure you have the right giving tools in place for this new, changing church landscape.
The sudden reliance on digital communication tools during the lockdown period has laid the foundation for stronger and more consistent giving in The Church. But, only when we make use of the opportunities of this season will we see our ministries more fully funded to better reach our communities.
The starting point is making giving easy for everyone. Yes, everyone is using digital tools in their day-to-day lives. But everyone is using different tools. You may live on your phone and pay every bill from it, the person in the office next to you may only make financial transactions from their laptop, and the 65 year old dedicated church member that sits on the 3rd row every week may fully rely on their iPad for anything digital.