During a virtual G20 leaders ‘ meeting on Saturday, Xi Jinping of China suggested that the world should join in launching a Global Tracking System which is aimed at tracking the health of citizens especially people infected with COVID.
Xi Jinping called on world countries to join them in launching a global COVID-19 tracking system that uses QR codes in an attempt to expedite international travel.
He said that it is high time the world come together to establish a ‘fast tracks’ system that will help speed the management of health care in the world.
The system has a color code where one is able to identify whether he/she is exposed to an infected person with or without COVID-19; the colors come in the form of green and orange/red. A green code indicates that someone is safe to travel, while an orange or red code signifies the need to quarantine for up to two weeks.
China’s proposal has received a lot of commentary from professionals. People have shared their thoughts and feelings on this issue, especially Christians.
Stuart Hargreaves, associated professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said that if this proposal is to be considered, then the issue of privacy is also to be considered.
“(For example) what information is stored in the underlying record, how it is generated, where it is stored, who has access to it,” Hargreaves argued.
Also, the head of the Biosecurity Research Program at the University of New South Wales’ Kirby Institute, Raina MacIntyre shared that, the issue of private information must be critically taken note of.
“(But) will individuals consent to another government that isn’t their own government accessing their data? That may be the price to pay for travel.”
Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch wrote on his Twitter handle that, the world should be careful of China’s proposal for a global QR code system.
He added that this could be another Trojan Horse where the focus will be on monitoring of Political movement by the China government.
Another serious comment came up by Christians. Some Christians believe that this initiative and many others would be another step taken to the fulfillment of the End Times “Mark of the Beast” prophesied 2,000 years ago in the biblical book of Revelation.