A 40-year-old man, Sawan Masih who was arrested in the year 2013 for allegedly speaking against Muslim’s hero Prophet Mohammed. The charge against him was as a result of a serious apologetic defense of Jesus Christ as the One and true Son of God, thus defending his faith in Christ as a Christian in the eastern Pakistani city.
He was later accused by his fellow Muslims. Sawan Masih was sentenced to death by Lahore High Court. His defense in the court was a stretched one since it lasted for over a year, he was later convicted in March 2014. On the basis of one of Pakistan’s strict laws on blasphemy, Sawan Masih was convicted.
For insulting and speaking against Prophet Mohammed, courts in Pakistan are under a strict mandatory warrant to sentenced that person to death. This law was not excerpted from Sawan Masih.
Blasphemy is an emotive subject in Pakistan, where the country’s strict laws criminalize insulting Islam, its prophet, and the holy book, as well as other offenses against the religion.
According to the Aljazeera report, Sawan Masih conviction led to a communal riot that resulted in an enraged mob in 2013, over 120 properties in Christian Communities at Lahore city were burnt. Damages included burnt houses, shops, and even church by these Muslims.
An organization that seeks the welfare of persecuted Christians, International Christian Concern (ICC) reported that Justice Syed Shehbaz Ali Rizvi who led the case pronounced Masih to be released. The Muslim accuser, Shahid said the Masih said that “My Jesus is genuine. He is the Son of Allah. He will return. While your Prophet is false, my Jesus is true and will give salvation.”
An ICC representative said that even now that Sawan has been released, it is still a fact that Islamic extremists would target him and his family. Their lives have now been put in danger with his release.
It is being reported that blasphemy cases are not that easily resolved in Pakistan, as they posed a serious threat to their dominant religion, Islam.
Many blasphemy cases in Pakistan are still not resolved. Any views on the matter of Christ would serve as a negative impact on Muslims. These opinions are likely to trigger opposed audiences to accuse you.