We at this ministry to receive the full benefit of today’s prophetic illumination would like to encourage all of those reading and perhaps listening to this prophecy to go on Facebooks, Central Assembly of God in Horseheads NY, Facebook page and enjoy the entirety of Pastor Joe Chamberlin’s powerful Christmastime message tying that together with the pursuing prophetic message to receive the full spiritual impact of these gracious visitations of God’s Holy Spirit.
For today’s prophetic message, please read the following transcription of the utterance.
“For there is a day coming says the Lord, There’s a day coming and there is a gift that’s going to be for you on that day but it was not put there by your parents it was not put there by some person that loves you in this world it was put there two thousand years ago your name is on it because I wrote your name on it says the Lord and the gift is for you and for your children and for your children’s children and all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call. The Lord made a way for you to spend eternity in heaven by giving you a precious gift. That gift was displayed for you this morning, and that gift was explained to you this morning. That gift was shown to you this morning that gift was being offered to you this morning and the price that my dear Son paid that you may spend eternity in Heaven is that gift that is being offered to you today. The Lord says come and receive that gift, stand this morning and receive that gift. That gift may not be offered to you again in a way that you can understand it. But that gift one morning you are going to find out that was your day that was the day that you were offered that gift the last time, that is the day that the gift was offered to you. Was today your day stand and receive the gift of the Lord and receive His love for you and receive the gift of His love for you and receive His gift of salvation that you might spend eternity in heaven with those who have gone before you and those who will come behind you but receive that gift that was written by the hand of your God for you and receive it today declares the Lord before there is no longer time for you to receive it declares the Lord your God.’
Following the prophecy that came during the altar call at the end of this day’s service by Rev. Joseph Chamberlin at Central Assembly of God, Pastor Joe continues to emphasize this day’s prophecy and asks if there is anyone else there this day who would like to stand to receive the “Gift” of salvation through Christ. At that time one other person stands and the rest of the congregation breaks out in spontaneous applause and worship for the remaining service. I am certain that more there that day needed to hear both the pastor’s message and the confirming prophetic utterance and every time at least this Christmas season they reached for a gift to open, seeing their name on it was reminded of this timely metaphor of God’s gift of salvation through Christ, and God Himself putting their name on it over two thousand years ago.
John 3:16 in the Bible states. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life!”