Martha you are worried about many things, but Mary has chosen the better part. For I call you to return to your first love, return to Me with your whole heart, seek Me with all that you have and all that you are and all that you desire of Me will be granted unto you, says God.
Do not let your heart be so troubled, do not strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, do not allow yourself to be stalled spiritually by considering the speck that is in your brothers eye, but you don’t see the beam that’s in your own.
Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. If you become an over comer in Me, I will grant you to know the hidden manna and reveal to you the deep things of God.
But I say unto you, desire Me with your whole heart, do not be like Peter, who after I called him three times and asked him if he loved Me, he turned and after that time, and said to Me what about John? What is it to you if he stay here till I come?
Do not allow yourself to be troubled by those around you and by what your brothers and sisters are or are not doing. But rather focus on Me, and the fact that I died on the cross and shed My blood for the sins of all mankind. And those that you are troubled by, may be the very ones that I choose to use to bless your life in a great way.
Do not allow yourself to be troubled by those around you, return to your first love, return to keeping your eyes firmly on Me, and you will have chosen the better part.